The Third International Workshop on Crowd Intelligence for Smart Cities: Technology and Applications (CISC-20)


Cities are experiencing significant challenges in many aspects such as efficient energy management, economic growth and development, security and quality of life of their citizens. In particular, in the era of big data, mobile internet, social network, and cloud computing, we are now provided with good opportunities to leverage the crowd intelligence, i.e., cooperation of the massive individual intelligence, to better sense and manage the city. The meaning of the word "crowd" is mainly two-fold, in terms of the data collection and fusion.

From the perspective of data collection, participatory sensing (people-centric sensing/mobile crowdsensing) presents a new paradigm based on the power of mobile devices. The sheer number of user-companioned devices (e.g., mobile phones, wearable devices, smart vehicles) and their inherent mobility enables that we can acquire local knowledge (e.g., location, personal and surrounding context, noise level) through sensor-enhanced mobile devices.

From the perspective of data fusion, a variety of open datasets from multiple domains are available nowadays, from social media to public transportation, from health care to wireless communication networks. Thus, when addressing a specific problem in smart cities, multiple disparate datasets can be integrated to obtain an effective solution.


The workshop is intended to be a forum to share the experiences about smart city technologies and its applications based on crowd intelligence. The main topics of the workshop can be categorized as (but not limited to):

  1. Smart City Big Data Collection and Analysis
  2. Crowd Intelligence based Smart City Systems, Middleware and Framework
  3. Crowd Intelligence based Smart City Application
  4. Security, Trust, and Privacy Issues in Crowd Intelligence
  5. Incentive Mechanism for Crowd Intelligence based Smart City Application
  6. Missing Data Inference in Crowd Intelligence based Smart City Application
  7. Optimizing Crowd Intelligence based Systems for Smart Cities

Paper Submission

  • Submission Requirements
  • Submitted papers should adhere to the GPC workshop submission formatting requirements (e.g., page limit and format). Submission link: .

  • Journal Paper Extension
  • Selected papers in this workshop, after appropriate extension and revision, can be recommended to the following journals for publication.

    (1)  Special issue “active crowd sensing” in the Springer Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. ( )

    (2)  IET Smart Cities Journal. ( )

    Important Dates

    Feb 25th, 2020 (PST): Submission Deadline
    March 5th, 2020 (PST): Submission Deadline
    March 15th, 2020 (PST): Acceptance Notification
    April 5th, 2020 (PST): Camera-ready Due
    May 8th, 2020: Workshop Day


    1. Jiangtao Wang, Lancaster University, UK
    Contact: Jiangtao Wang,
    2. Yong Li, Tsinghua University, China
    3. Yu Guan, Newcastle University, UK

    Invited PC Members:

    Fan Wu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
    Jorge Goncalves, University of Melbourne, Australia
    Xinglin Zhang, South China University of Technology, China
    Fan Ye, Stoney Brook University, USA
    Yanmin Zhu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China.
    Jae Woong Lee, University of Central Missouri, USA
    Dong Zhao, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China.
    Dingqi Yang, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
    Zhibo Wang, Wuhan University, China.
    Yu Xiao, Aalto University, Finland
    Wenjie Ruan, Lancaster University, UK